Prayer Cups2025-02-22T20:36:10+00:00

When you order a Prayer Cup, I will spend some time in prayer on your behalf, asking the Lord what He wants to say to you, and then He will give me a word, a color to start with, or a full concept for the cup. Over the next few days/weeks, I’ll create the cup He wants for you. I’ll include a hand-written card containing the full word the Lord gave me for you.

Each Prayer Cup is unique to the person receiving it, and won’t be shown publicly until it’s been received.

Prayer Cups are an incredible blessing, not just for the recipients, but also for me as a creator. Not only does God use it to provide for my family, but the process is such an incredible experience for me, personally. I love creating with the Lord, and hearing how my customers are impacted.


Frequently Asked Questions

How long does the process take?2024-08-06T17:07:36+00:00

From start to finish, a cup can take anywhere from 2-4 weeks.

What are the cups made with?2024-08-06T17:08:29+00:00

The cups are stainless steel and crafted with epoxy, paint, glitter, alcohol inks, and or vinyl and other products made specifically for tumbler crafting. All cups come with a lid and a straw.

How do I care for my cup?2024-08-06T17:19:56+00:00

Do not leave in extreme heat or direct sunlight for long periods of time (don’t leave in your car)
Do not soak in water

Do you have cups with handles?2024-08-06T17:11:14+00:00

Not at this time

Are these cups only for women?2024-08-06T17:12:12+00:00

No way! I can do a cup for anyone!

Can I use my own cup or request a different style?2024-08-09T19:59:26+00:00
Yes! Reach out to Jules through this contact form to discuss options.
What if I want a specific color or design?2024-08-06T17:13:54+00:00

I am not taking custom orders at this time. What makes these cups special is that I am following the Lord’s lead and asking for His direction from start to finish. He chooses the color and design!

What is your refund policy?2024-08-06T17:39:44+00:00

I am not offering refunds at this time. All sales are final.

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