Something super strange has happened. While I’ve been silent here for almost a year, the Lord has been birthing something brand new and absolutely beyond anything I could have dreamed up for myself
First off, let me say that I am anything but talented when it comes to being crafty. It’s never been a gift of mine and it’s also never been an interest. But I got introduced to an industry over the last few years that for one reason or another, I really began to love. Not because I was involved in it, but because of who was involved in it. As I delved into it for work, the Lord birthed a vision in my heart that I thought was for someone else, and He very quickly redirected me and showed me that it was for me, and that it was an answer to a prayer I’ve been praying for a long time.
I have entered the “Tumbler World.” I’m one of those ‘crazy cup ladies,’ and I LOVE IT. I don’t make cups to order, as in you telling me what you want on your cup, oh no, I would never be able to pull that off. This venture is completely Holy Spirit led, and each cup is one-of-a-kind.
A few examples:

“You are the color.” Not an after thought or an accent color. This woman BRINGS color to people’s lives!

“Consider the Wildflowers.” God clothes creation in so much beauty, of course He will do the same, and provide for you!

“Chosen . . . For such a time as this.” This was my first order! The woman has an Esther call on her life.

“I was the One . . . He left the 99 for me.” I mean . . . ‘nough said!
My cups are called, “Prayer Cups.” The way it works is that when someone places an order, I start praying for them, and I ask the Lord what He wants to say. Sometimes He will give me a color first, and I’ll start by painting that color on a cup, or He’ll give me a word and I’ll search it out in Scripture and when He highlights a verse, He will build a design in my mind around that verse. I pray all the way through, and even argue with Him sometimes, to make sure I’m doing what He wants (spoiler alert, when I argue, He always wins in the end, and I sometimes have to start again from scratch), and then when the cup is finished, I ship it to the customer. Outside of the people at Artistry Epoxy (where I make the cups), no one else sees it before the customer, it’s a complete surprise. Once they’ve received it, I’ll post whatever footage I have on TikTok (providing I remembered to hit record . . .) documenting the process and the word the Lord gave. It’s absolutely incredible. Since June I have had over 70 orders. I don’t know if that’s a lot in the tumbler world, but it’s a lot for me!
Let me reiterate, that this could ONLY have been the Lord. This is not a skill I possess on my own – I’ve tried! It’s been so cool to create with the Lord, I get to encounter Him in a brand new way and it is one of the most supernatural things I’ve ever experienced!
If you’re interested in ordering a Prayer Cup for yourself or someone you love, check them out here!
You can also follow my videos on TikTok, Facebook, and Instagram.